Stomach Problems Are Commonly Misdiagnosed As IBS Symptoms
Stomach problems can occur for various reasons, some of which are acute. They can be caused by a physical condition, surgery, medications or an illness. Many stomach conditions that cause pain or distress in the stomach are very commonly perceived and diagnosed as stomach problems, while sometimes the stomach might not necessarily be directly involved. Sometimes stomach problems can be caused by the organs nearby the site of the discomfort, including the liver or gallbladder in the stomach area, or the intestines in the lower stomach area. An obstruction in the bile duct may also be a cause for stomach pain. Stomach discomfort occurs for many different reasons, including inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBR), gallstones and parasites. Irritable bowel disease (IBD) can result in pain that radiates up the left arm, down the right leg and into the groin area. Digestive disorders can result in abdominal pain, fever, chills and sweating. IBS can also be accompanied by...