
Showing posts from September, 2021

Stomach Problems Are Commonly Misdiagnosed As IBS Symptoms

Stomach problems can occur for various reasons, some of which are acute. They can be caused by a physical condition, surgery, medications or an illness. Many stomach conditions that cause pain or distress in the stomach are very commonly perceived and diagnosed as stomach problems, while sometimes the stomach might not necessarily be directly involved. Sometimes stomach problems can be caused by the organs nearby the site of the discomfort, including the liver or gallbladder in the stomach area, or the intestines in the lower stomach area. An obstruction in the bile duct may also be a cause for stomach pain. Stomach discomfort occurs for many different reasons, including inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBR), gallstones and parasites. Irritable bowel disease (IBD) can result in pain that radiates up the left arm, down the right leg and into the groin area. Digestive disorders can result in abdominal pain, fever, chills and sweating. IBS can also be accompanied by...

Health Outcomes From IHD

The kidney care system in Pakistan is being developed on the basis of new strategies, which have been incorporated from the kidney care systems of developed countries. Currently, renal diseases account for nearly all the deaths in Pakistan, mainly due to infections, complications of pre-existing medical conditions, mortality due to causes not specifically related to kidney disorders. The incidence of kidney diseases and related deaths continue to decline steadily despite the availability of effective treatments. Despite this encouraging trend, there are still a number of people who die of renal disorders every year. This is mainly because of ignorance and poverty-based issues. This has resulted in an increased number of patients opting out of dialysis and other costly dialysis treatments. As per recent estimates, there are approximately 20 million people living with kidney disease in Pakistan. Most of them are affected by one or more kidney diseases, which can range from acute kidney...

Are Mullein For Sinuses Effective

Mullein for sinuses is a commonly used herbal remedy. It is considered an herbal remedy because it has no known negative side effects. It is usually used to treat problems in the sinuses and the nasal passages. It is sometimes used as a nasal steroid. The sinuses are situated in the cheekbones, behind the eyes and in the back of the throat. Sinusitis is a disease that can result in pain, inflammation and swelling in the lining of the sinuses. Other symptoms include fever and facial muscles pain. Mullein is an herbal treatment that can be used as an effective homeopathic remedy to treat nasal inflammation and pain caused by sinusitis. It is also used to alleviate other symptoms such as headache, toothache and stress. Mullein for the nose can also be used as a tea. It is typically used as a herbal remedy when one is experiencing sinusitis or acute allergy. It can relieve congestion, which is very common during an allergy attack. It may also relieve pressure and sore throat due to co...

Unani Diabetes Treatment - How It Works

The unani treatment for diabetes is suitable for both types of diabetes - chronic (pre-diabetes) or acute (diabetes) type. Unani herbs for diabetes treatment are used as natural remedies to treat the disease. They relieve the symptoms and discomfort caused by diabetes. For those who are not familiar with unani treatment for diabetes, it is a treatment method that is based on old traditional methods. The treatment uses herbs in different combinations. The unani treatment for diabete treatment is made up of a combination of some common and exotic herbs. Some of these are well known in the western world. For instance, Dioscorea, Eleutherococcus and Scuttelaria lateriflora are some of the herbs that are used in unani treatment. These herbs act as insulin sensitizers that increase blood glucose-to-glucose ratio and reduce the effects of diabetes on the kidney and heart. Diabetes is a disease that adversely affects the body's ability to produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone respon...